I do not make a companion of men. Whom, then, do I make a companion of? God. This world is not going well because people make companions of each other, saying and doing foolish things. Good and evil beings are all one united family in the world. Aikido leaves out any attachment; Aikido does not call relative affairs good or evil. Aikido keeps all beings in constant growth and development and serves for the completion of the Universe .
Morihei Ueshiba



The Pretoria Aikikai is a proud member of the Aikido Federation of South Africa who has direct authority from the Aikikai Foundation in Japan to teach and spread Aikido in South Africa.

It is also affiliated to the International Aikido Federation as well as to MASA, the relevant regulatory body in South Africa, and has the support of many top masters and friends of Aikido throughout the world.  



The current instructors at the new TuksAikido Dojo in Hatfield, Pretoria c2013.



From left to right: F Flawn, R Middleberg, Paul de Beer, R Klopper, P Wessels




The senior students in the old Hatfield dojo c2003.



From left to right: Rensoli Orestes, Paul de Beer, Loray Daws, Adriaan Swart, Sam Olivier, Johan Greyling


These men have all taken up leadership positions and is spread all over the world. 
Some to become respected Aikido instructors in their own right.