When an enemy tries to fight with me, the Universe itself, he has to break the harmony of the Universe . Hence at the moment he has the mind to fight with me, he is already defeated. There exists no measure of time- fast or slow.
Morihei Ueshiba



The Pretoria Aikikai was established in 1979. It incorporates TuksAikido and functions as a close integrated unit with other dojos in the region. It continues to play a central role in training instructors and spreading Aikido throughout South Africa.

TuksAikido is situated in Hatfield and serves as the central dojo in Pretoria. It is run by Mr Paul de Beer (6th Dan, Aikikai, Dojo-cho) with the aid of assistant instructors. It has close ties with Aikido groups in Japan, Italy, Guam, Great Britain, Hong Kong, New Zeeland, Australia, Canada, China, Russia and Reunion. Seminars and exchanges take place at regular intervals.

Training is done in an energetic, friendly, safe and non competitive atmosphere. Beginners and advanced students train as a close, integrated community and family unit in the same class. The pace varies according to the experience and seniority of each member.





TuksAikido share facilities with Taekwondo.

The dojo is situated in a basement on the western side of the Rembrandt hall in the LC De Villiers Sport Centre of the University of Pretoria, South Street extension (East), Hatfield, Pretoria.






GPS Co-ordinates:
S25° 45.198
E28º 14.965



Training times (As of the 2'nd of February 2013):



18:00 to 19:30


18:00 to 19:30


18:00 to 19:30

The dojo is closed on public, as well as certain University/School holidays.


Please be ready and seated on the mat before the starting time or, report to the instructor if you happen to be late.


Beginners and visitors are always welcome.