Aikido is non-resistance. As it is non-resistant, it is always victorious.
Morihei Ueshiba




The following high ranking teachers with international status, are closely associated with De Beer Sensei and the Pretoria Aikikai.


RA Salmon

Founder of Budo Karate-do International



Click here to read an article on RA Salmon.



CJ Smart
3rd Dan, Aikikai



Click here to read an article on CJ Smart.


KGE Cottier

deceased, 7th Dan, Aikikai


A photo page dedicated to Sensei Cottier is available here

Click here to read an article on KGE Cottier (Click to read more)



G Veneri
deceased, 6th Dan, Aikikai



Click here to read an article on G Veneri



F Martufi
6th Dan, Aikikai



Click here to read an article on F Martufi



To visit Martufi Sensei's website click here.



M Minegishi
7th Dan, Aikikai


Click here to read an article on M Minegishi



To visit Minegishi Sensei's website click here.