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Even standing with my back toward the opponent is enough. When he attacks, hitting, he will injure himself with his own intention to hit. I am one with the Universe and I am nothing else. When I stand, he will be drawn to me. There is no time and space before Ueshiba of Aikido -only the Universe as it is. Morihei Ueshiba
The following Yudansha studied under De Beer Sensei. Most of them excelled as prominent and independent leaders. Together they form a close team to serve Aikido.
F Zöllner
4th Dan
Friend and colleague of De Beer Sensei, Former AFSA President. Founding member of AFSA.
Instructor in Malmesbury |
CJ Human
5th Dan
Close friend and colleague of De Beer Sensei.
AFSA General Secretary and Shidoin.
Instructor in Brakpan and Heidelberg.
Website : http://www.facebook.com/pages/Brakpan-Aikido-Centre/320414225211 |
S Olivier
4th Dan
Former Instructor at Seiko No Tanden Dojo in Centurion.
AFSA Fukushidoin.
Website : http://aikidopta.co.za/centurion/ |
L Daws
2nd Dan
Former student, former AFSA Councillor.
Instructor in Canada. |
J Greyling
2nd Dan
Instructor with the Aikido South Africa Organisation. |
T van der Merwe
1st Dan
Friend and colleague.
Instructor in Potchefstroom www.puk.ac.za/aikido
Website : www.puk.ac.za/aikido |
R Becker
2nd Dan
Instructor with the Aikido South Africa Organisation. |
A Swart
1st Dan |
R Orestes
1st Dan
Resident in the U.S.A. |
M Froneman
1st Dan |
H Kruger
1st Dan
Instructor in New Zeeland. |
V Bonev
1st Dan |
Resident in Australia.
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W Smart
1st Dan |
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J Fellgate
1st Dan
Resident in he U.K. |
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R Klopper
1st Dan
Assistant Instructor at TuksAikido, Pretoria. |
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George Stevens
1st Dan
Resident in New Zeeland. |
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Dominic Griffiths
1st Dan
Resident in New Zeeland. |
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Andrê Coppejans
1st Dan
SAAA Durban . |
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Frank Flawn
1st Dan
Assistant Instructor at TuksAikido, Pretoria. |
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Roland Middleberg
1st Dan
Assistant Instructor at TuksAikido, Pretoria. |
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Peter Wessels
1st Dan
Assistant Instructor at TuksAikido, Pretoria. |