Even standing with my back toward the opponent is enough. When he attacks, hitting, he will injure himself with his own intention to hit. I am one with the Universe and I am nothing else. When I stand, he will be drawn to me. There is no time and space before Ueshiba of Aikido -only the Universe as it is.
Morihei Ueshiba




The following Yudansha studied under De Beer Sensei. Most of them excelled as prominent and independent leaders. Together they form a close team to serve Aikido.


F Zöllner
4th Dan


Friend and colleague of De Beer Sensei, Former AFSA President. Founding member of AFSA.


Instructor in Malmesbury



CJ Human
5th Dan


Close friend and colleague of De Beer Sensei.
AFSA General Secretary and Shidoin.


Instructor in Brakpan and Heidelberg.


Website : http://www.facebook.com/pages/Brakpan-Aikido-Centre/320414225211


S Olivier

4th Dan



Former Instructor at Seiko No Tanden Dojo in Centurion.
AFSA Fukushidoin.


Website : http://aikidopta.co.za/centurion/



L Daws
2nd Dan


Former student, former AFSA Councillor.


Instructor in Canada.



J Greyling
2nd Dan

Instructor with the Aikido South Africa Organisation.



T van der Merwe
1st Dan

Friend and colleague.


Instructor in Potchefstroom www.puk.ac.za/aikido


Website : www.puk.ac.za/aikido



R Becker
2nd Dan


Instructor with the Aikido South Africa Organisation.



A Swart
1st Dan



R Orestes
1st Dan


Resident in the U.S.A.



M Froneman
1st Dan



H Kruger
1st Dan


Instructor in New Zeeland.



V Bonev
1st Dan


Resident in Australia.




W Smart
1st Dan



J Fellgate
1st Dan


Resident in he U.K.



R Klopper
1st Dan


Assistant Instructor at TuksAikido, Pretoria.



George Stevens
1st Dan


Resident in New Zeeland.



Dominic Griffiths
1st Dan


Resident in New Zeeland.



Andrê Coppejans
1st Dan


SAAA Durban .



Frank Flawn
1st Dan


Assistant Instructor at TuksAikido, Pretoria.



Roland Middleberg
1st Dan


Assistant Instructor at TuksAikido, Pretoria.



Peter Wessels
1st Dan


Assistant Instructor at TuksAikido, Pretoria.